Blogging again after a 4 year hiatus.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014 on Wednesday, June 25, 2014

After four years of life-altering changes and then boxing up and moving out of the farmhouse into the downtown area of this small, albeit quaint, community, I have finally decided to return to blogging.  

I spent four years doing anything I could possibly think of to avoid myself. And avoid blogging.

 (I can't write everyday). 

Now where did I get that idea from? It's a ridiculous story I made up for myself.  Somehow in the past few months I had willed myself to forget that from October 2013 -January 2014, I had written the entire first draft of a book by doing what?  


For four years I had only been freelance writing a bit here and an article there to fulfill a contractual obligation, receive a paycheck, and push back from the keyboard; however, I wrote an entire book in three months, then left it to die on the side of the road while I pursued anything that didn't require me to sit my ass in front of a computer screen and write.  It's not like this is anything new.  I have three manuscripts that lie in a heap collecting dust since I abandoned them ten or so years ago.  

And then I found this quote:

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” - Howard Thurman
So I will blog.
My definition of blogging, of course, is spilling one's day-to-day life out on a keyboard for the rest of the world to view..... get a glimpse into my crazy world, quite possibly enjoy a laugh, a smile, share a new recipe, or just sit back, relax, and watch tidbits of my quirkiness unfold in front of you.

I have come alive and it feels good to be back!  I hope you enjoy this journey with me, or at the least I hope you get insight to another's world, understand that world a little better, and maybe smile with me.   God Bless!  Namaste! 
P.S.  Since I would consider this an introduction to my "blog" and a bit too serious even for me, I encourage you to continue to the next post.   "Let the blogging begin!"   


Unknown said...

You GO GIRL!!!!!