I promised to share my beautiful puppies with you this evening, so my daughter, Miranda, and I took them outside for their Birthday Portraits. Some were happier than others in this new adventure. This post seems appropriate since today they turned five weeks old.
Happy Birthday Puppies!

grateful that nine healthy puppies made it.
Miss Winnie almost died on us last week. We had to rush her to the emergency vet hospital with a temperature of 103. The doc said she had the worst case of mastitis he had ever seen. A large dose of antibiotics and a weeks worth of pills later, she is back to running and playing again. Although she can no longer nurse the puppies, she likes to lick and play with them.
They were not quite 4 weeks old and already being fed puppy food. They mostly laid in it and licked it off of each other's faces for the first couple of days. Now they are eating the hard stuff and chowing like there's no tomorrow. As you can tell in their photos, they are chubby little bundles.
We're going to wait until they are 8 weeks until we start giving them up for adoption. It's going to be very difficult to watch them go. We want to keep a couple for ourselves, but that choice seems to change like the weather. Right now, I want to keep "Buddy". He's the long haired, black looking lab. He's the biggest of the bunch and Miranda calls him "Calf Head". She swears he looks just like one of our baby calves. Bless it's heart! I think he's adorable. Miranda is leaning towards keeping "Coco". She is the second biggest and the ring leader of the pack. She's very bossy and has lots of personality. My husband, Kent, has a new favorite everyday.
But who knows which ones will be staying in three more weeks.
We wish we could afford to keep them all.
Puppies have been fed, bathed, and are sleeping. Guess that's my cue to turn out the lights.
Good night!