I'm Baaaack!

Sunday, March 08, 2009 on Sunday, March 08, 2009


Felt like an eternity, but I'm back in the blogging world with my new laptop. Just in time for lots of spring photos of farm life, preparing the garden, grown puppies, cabin adventures, wildlife, and my crazy day to day life.

I never knew how much I could miss my little blogging world and I'm so looking forward to posting my hum drum albeit silly life adventures again.

Just for grins and giggles; I must first include a photo of my big baby...... Buddy. yes, he is one of the adorable little puppies that we decided we had to keep. He also is one that survived the ugliness of parvo.

If you notice his lip, you will discover some missing fur and skin... all due to his discovery of super glue. Yes, my big baby is a doofus! But we still love him. After taking care of the glued lips, he is feeling much better.

He's usually found near the dining room table, scarfing for crumbs.

It's good to be back! Look for lots more posting soon. Hope you're enjoying some nice warm weather.


Beth E. said...

Welcome back...I was beginning to think you were gone for good! :o)

Tell Kent hello...I sure do miss him at Dairy Delite. I haven't been to DD in months.